Woman Admits She Was Wrong About Haitian Stealing Cat After JD Vance Used Her Police Report To Back Lies

A man carries an AI-generated image of Donald Trump carrying cats away from Haitian immigrants, a reference to lies spread about Springfield, Ohio, during a campaign rally for Trump at the Tucson Music Hall in Tucson, Arizona, on September 12, 2024. | Source: REBECCA NOBLE / Getty
One would think that if Sen. JD Vance had an ounce of shame, he’d probably be regretting his big lie about pet-eating Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, because the rumor has caused nothing but problems, not just for his and Donald Trump’s campaign, but for the Haitian community and the people of Springfield he claims to care so much about.
City officials keep coming out to report the same thing: that there have been no credible reports of migrants stealing and eating pets, and that they informed Vance and Trump of this before the former started spreading the rumor and the latter humiliated himself on the debate stage by repeating it.
MORE: White Men, Not Haitian Immigrants, Keep Trying To Kill Donald Trump
Springfield has reported more than 30 bomb threats since Vance’s bigoted propaganda campaign began. Children have been put in harm’s way. Educators have been put in harm’s way. The Haitian community in and outside of Ohio has been put in harm’s way. Springfield’s Republican mayor has even expressed that he wants Trump to cancel a campaign stop in his city due to all of the chaos he and his running mate have caused.
In case you were wondering… this is a pic of the woman #AnnaKilgore who claimed Haitian immigrants ate her cat.
The cat that was found safe in her OWN basement.
Now WHY would she blame any of this on Haitians?
WHY would SHE do that? pic.twitter.com/zMiDjvyCbG
— yvette nicole brown (@YNB) September 19, 2024
All the while, Vance — who has also been spreading lies about migrants causing an HIV spike in Springfield that city officials, including a county health commissioner, have also had to debunk — keeps doubling and tripling down on the lie he just can’t let go of, and he keeps defending his decision to do so by claiming and expecting people to take it at face value that he has received an outpouring of firsthand accounts by Springfield residents who had their pets stolen and eaten. Well, recently, A spokesman for Vance finally produced tangible evidence of one Springfield resident who said her Haitian neighbor stole her cat, and it might have been a convincing piece of evidence — if the resident hadn’t admitted her claim was false.
From the Independent:
Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance tried to prove his baseless claims about Haitian immigrants eating pets by pointing to a police report from one resident in Springfield, Ohio, that alleged her cat may have been stolen by her Haitian neighbors.
Turns out the cat, Miss Sassy, had been hiding in the basement the whole time, and Anna Kilgore had apologized to her neighbors for the mix-up with the help of a translation app, she told The Wall Street Journal this week.
Why we need professional journalists: @JDVance rep tells @wsj about Anna Kilgore, a Springfield OH woman whose cat went missing in August, so @Kris_Maher drives to her house. She found the cat in her basement and apologized to her Haitian neighbors. pic.twitter.com/FCrOrxkSFY
— John W. Miller (@jwmjournalist) September 18, 2024
Oh snap!!!! The story gets even better…
Anna Kilgore, the woman from Springfield, Ohio who claimed that her cat was abducted and eaten by her Haitian neighbors in this police report, found her cat days later IN HER OWN BASEMENT.
The Wall Street Journal reports:
“City Manager… https://t.co/jCAOKKRlpy
— Art Candee
(@ArtCandee) September 18, 2024
“It was a mistake,” Kilgore told reporters.
So, basically, a Karen couldn’t find her cat and she immediately blamed her Haitian neighbor, even going as far as to file a police report. Then her cat turned up a few days later and she gets to say, “My bad,” and escape any accountability while the allegation she made, which went viral on social media, continues to have ramifications for the neighbor she attacked and their entire demographic. And Vance, who is largely responsible for the spread of this hateful lie that probably inspired Kilgore’s suspicion of her neighbor in the first place, tried to pass off her story as proof of his unfounded claims.
This is the power of whiteness. It’s the power of bigotry. It’s the power of hate.
It’s the power of MAGA.
JD Vance Finally Admits Lying About Haitian Migrants Eating Pets In Racist Conspiracy
Haitian Community Says Pet-Eating Lies Put Target On Their Backs
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