Texas Group To Hold Conference To ‘Start Fighting Back’ Against The ‘War On White America’

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In today’s episode of The Beneficiaries Of White Supremacy Are Not OK, a right-wing group full of fragile and aggrieved white people with close ties to the Texas GOP is hosting a conference next month to encourage its attendees to embrace Christian nationalism and resist a Democratic campaign “to rid the earth of the white race,” according to the Texas Tribune.
Now, you might be wondering: “Wait, aren’t most Democratic lawmakers white too?” Well, yes, but that’s not been the most pressing question. In fact, here’s what I already asked when Donald Trump and his campaign started whining about the fictitious thing privileged and pigment-less people call “anti-whiteness”:
Here’s a question that I often ask but have never received a plausible answer to: In a country that is more than 60% white and where white people dominate every important entity in Western society — from the corporate world to state and federal governments to all aspects of the justice system — and are the only overwhelmingly represented racial group in popular culture (TV, film, broadcasting, and, up until recent years, advertising, etc.), who exactly are white people being oppressed by?
But white people will never admit their “anti-white” narrative is actually just their white inauthentic tearsy response to pro-Black and pro-POC activism in America becoming popular, which is why the same people who deny the existence of systemic racism despite all the data that indicates it’s real—and use that denial to shut down affirmative action, DEI programs, and any other initiative aimed at correcting systemic racism—are now claiming with zero data to back it up that it’s actually the white race that is facing systemic racism in a system white people largely control.
From the Tribune:
Billed as the 15th anniversary celebration for True Texas Project, a far-right activist group that got its start as a North Texas tea party organization, the agenda claims there is a “war on white America,” or elevate theories that white Americans are being intentionally replaced through immigration — a common belief among far-right extremists, including many mass shooters.
“It’s absolutely vital we remember that when they say ‘white supremacy’ or ‘white nationalism’ or whatever the most recent scare phrase is, they literally just mean your heritage and historical way of life,” reads the description for a session on “Multiculturalism & The War on White America.” “It’s a culture war, simple as that. Stop apologizing. Stop backing down. Start fighting back.”
Now, to be fair, the group is right: white nationalism and white supremacy are demonstrably a large part of what comprises “white culture” in America, but the fact that the group appears to be denying they’re white nationalist while explicitly attacking “multiculturalism” only shows the ludicrousness of their denial. What exactly do they think white nationalism is if not the desire to keep the nation as white as possible? What exactly do they think white people “fighting back” against multiculturalism looks like if not white supremacy?

Source: John Moore / Getty
The group’s agenda for the event specifically claims “forced multiculturalism” and immigration are part of a plot to undermine American Christianity—because apparently, one must be Caucasian to be Christian—and that xenophobia is “an imaginary social pathology” and term used to discourage “love of one’s own people.” The group also plans to rebrand the white nationalist Great Replacement Theory as something that isn’t racist even though it’s explicitly a claim that white people are being replaced by brown people just because brown people are migrating to the country, which is not causing white people to leave.
So, to recap, whiteness is a prerequisite for Christianity, white people can’t have “love of one’s own people” without also hating non-white immigrants and the very existence of said non-white immigrants in proximity to white people amounts to an intentional eradication of white people, a sentiment that literally comes right out of the playbook of the Ku Klux Klan.
So, you know, maybe these people are just white supremacists, and since there will be multiple current and former Texas Republican lawmakers in attendance and speaking at the event, maybe that indicates that the Texas GOP is also a white nationalist/supremacist organization.
More from the Tribune:
The two-day event at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens includes a birthday party for the organization complete with cake, a toast, music and a “meet-n-greet with some of our new, allied State Reps and elected officials.” It does not list which officials are scheduled to attend.
Speakers include prominent GOP donor and former state Sen. Don Huffines, retired U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, two prominent Christian nationalist authors, and Paul Gottfried, a far-right writer who has for years collaborated with white supremacists and mentored neo-Nazis such as Richard Spencer.
Experts on terrorism and extremism said the lineup is particularly concerning because it brings together mainstream conservative speakers with fringe figures who have close links to neo-Nazis and other far-right extremists.
“These are the type of people that I’m most concerned about from an extremism standpoint,” Elizabeth Neumann, a former senior Department of Homeland Security official who served for three years under Trump. “A number of them have been making arguments—some of them supposedly Biblical—that violence is okay, and that violence is justified by Scripture for the purposes of establishing a Christian nation.”
Mind you, the Texas legislature has already cut hundreds of college DEI jobs, passed a law that generally waters down Black history to the point where the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. aren’t even required and is currently on the verge of joining Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina in approving a racist congressional map that intentionally dilutes Black and Latino voting power. A group fighting for white nationalism and supremacy in Texas is basically redundant, so, again, what are these people even crying about?
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