Shooter In Young Dolph Murder Case Sentenced To Life In Prison

Source: Justin Johnson / General
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According to Smith, Johnson was the second gunman and Govan informed them of the bounty Big Jook, brother of Yo Gotti, had on Dolph. Smith told the court he and Johnson had been stalking Dolph ahead of a planned Turkey Drive and that after the shooting outside Makeda’s Cookies, he FaceTimed Jook to confirm the deed was done.In January 2024, Jook was fatally gunned down outside a Memphis restaurant.
Shelby County District Attorney General Steve Mulroy released the following statement after the verdict: “Every murder’s a tragedy, and we take them all seriously. This one generated extra public interest because Young Dolph was a prominent and beloved member of the community. We will continue to fight hard to make sure that all of those responsible for his death are brought to justice.”
Not long after the verdict was announced, Mia Jaye, Young Dolph’s fianceé, said the following in an online post:
Today’s verdict brings relief and restores my confidence in the justice system. On behalf of my children, family, and myself, I would like to thank law enforcement, the prosecution, and everyone involved for their diligent work in presenting the facts that led to this conviction. We are also grateful to the public for standing with us and advocating for accountability throughout this process. The past three years, marked by the loss of Adolph and the events leading to the trial, have been incredibly frustrating. My faith has been tested, but Adolph’s tragic execution has only strengthened my resolve to fight for justice-not only for him but for all Black men.This is just the beginning of our journey toward achieving full justice for Adolph, and we will patiently support the unfolding of that process.
The post Shooter in Young Dolph Murder Sentenced to Life in Prison appeared first on 97.9 The Box.
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The post Shooter In Young Dolph Murder Case Sentenced To Life In Prison appeared first on NewsOne.