New Jersey Father Arrested After Confronting Teenager In High School Classroom

A New Jersey man has been arrested after he confronted a student in a high school classroom after accusing him of harassing his daughter.

According to, 38-year-old Aaron Thomas entered Paulsboro High School on Monday, March 11, at around 11:30 a.m. to take his daughter out of class. But, once he arrived at the school, he approached the boy instead. A video caught Thomas going up to the student and requesting that he apologize to his daughter.

“‘You got a problem with my daughter? Apologize to my daughter,”‘ he said to the teenager.

“I didn’t do nothing to her,” the student said to him.

“You heard what the f**k I said. Apologize to my daughter… Now,” the father told the student.

Another student came to the teenager’s defense, and Thomas reportedly argued with him, challenging him to a fight. But, a teacher finally intervened and escorted Thomas out of the classroom. The altercation occurred because the daughter claimed the student was sharing photos with others. It is unclear what type of photos were shared.

A police affidavit states that the teacher did not have his school radio within reach, so he could not contact school security when the incident occurred. He said that he didn’t attempt to reach for it. Instead, he just tried to de-escalate the incident by talking to Thomas. The school’s head of security was not told about the incident until Thomas left the school grounds.

Police officers were called to Paulsboro High School around 2:15 p.m., almost three hours after the incident occurred.

Thomas was arrested later that afternoon and charged with two counts of third-degree terroristic threats, along with simple assault, trespassing, and disorderly conduct.

The school district and the Paulsboro Police Department are investigating the incident. A statement was released stating, “Due to the ongoing nature of this investigation, additional details about the situation cannot be released to the public.”

“Safety and security of our staff and students is paramount. Unfortunate situations such as these gives us an opportunity to reflect and analyze current practices to further strengthen the district’s safety and security procedures to ensure that our schools are a safe place for all students and staff.”

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