MAGA Supporters Post ‘Deepfake’ Video Of AI-Generated MLK Jr. Telling Black People To Vote For Trump

Source: Jay L Clendenin / Getty
Here’s a question: How insufferably Caucasian does one have to be to rip Democrats for pandering to Black people — while using the AI-generated voice of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to speak to and for Black Americans on behalf of Donald Trump?
A pro-Trump account on X called MAGA Resource posted what is arguably the most condescending and caucasity-infused message to Black voters in the form of a “deepfake” video of MLK telling Black people to vote for Trump because the Democratic party has taken us for granted for far too long.
These fuckers deepfaked MLK's voice to pretend he supports Trump. Hideous
— Maria Sauren (@Maryqiae) November 4, 2024
“We’ve been told again and again that we can not vote for the man that did more for the Black community than any other president,” ML-Fake can be heard saying in a voice that is supposed to sound like the civil rights icon but actually just sounds like the laziest impersonation since Flex played Michael Jackson in that movie the Black community doesn’t talk about.
“If a Black man dares speak out in support of Donald Trump, a Democrat is always there to call that man an Uncle Tom, a house negro, or even worse,” the Temu MLK voice continued. “We’ve been used by the Democrats. For decades, we supported the party of slavery and Jim Crow. Supported the party of the Ku Klux Klan. Broken promises and broken homes. Our families demolished. Our communities destroyed. and yet we continue to vote for the Democrats. They’ve convinced us they’re our only friends, when their actions speak the truth for all to see. They act surprised that we’re unsatisfied. Well, we can never be satisfied as we’re taken for granted, counted on for votes and then cast aside for those who come to this country illegally.”
It’s quite convenient how MAGA Resource’s Reat Value King hits all of the current white conservative talking points in their pathologically whitesplaining messaging to Black voters, but suffice it to say, AI King sounds absolutely nothing like the actual MLK in terms of his ideology, phrasing or speech patterns. Apparently, this type of AI was designed to resemble some tone-deaf white guy who hides behind a fake Black profile posting faux AAVE like: “What’s fleek, my home skillets? Democrats be cappin on Gawd and issa bout to go down when Trump is in da house, you nameen n****ga?’ Tell Kamala good by Felicia, yasssss gang!!!”
Republicans can’t get it through their thick heads that Black people are not taking their cues from Democrats. Are Democrats responsible for the fact that there is a grand total of five Black Republicans between both chambers of Congress? MAGA conservatives can keep repeating the half-truth the Democratic party supported slavery and the KKK, but they can’t explain why, today, it’s Republicans who fight for the preservation of Confederate flags and monuments, or why Klan members, neo-Nazis and other assorted white supremacists keep gravitating toward the MAGA-fied GOP.
It’s not “Democrats” who are calling Black Trump supporters “house negros or worse,” it’s Black people who don’t respect Black people who support seething white nationalists who are calling them that.
Maybe the reason Republicans have such a difficult time courting the Black vote is that they know so little about Black people that they’re the types who think an AI video depicting King delivering MAGA talking points is anything less than insulting. Maybe if they spent more time considering Black issues and less time redistricting their state’s congressional maps to dilute Black voting power, they could actually attract the Black vote instead of playing dirty politics to work around it.
Anyway, as usual, King’s daughter, Bernice King, was there to set straight these self-serving conservative fools who keep invoking their whitewashed version of MLK whenever they feel compelled to condescend to Black people (*gestures widely towards f***ing ALWAYS*).
Delete this, @MAGAResource. It’s vile, fake, irresponsible, and not at all reflective of what my father would say. And you gave no thought to our family.
— Be A King (@BerniceKing) November 4, 2024
“Delete this, @MAGAResource. It’s vile, fake, irresponsible, and not at all reflective of what my father would say. And you gave no thought to our family,” Bernice King said.
It’s a damn shame how many times she has had to check white conservatives for this. They don’t get the Black vote because they don’t really respect Black people, and this fake MLK video is just more proof of that.
Mask Off: ‘Racist’ Trump Rally Comedian Tells Black, Latino Voters How MAGA Really Feels About Them
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