FAFO: Hispanic Man Regrets Voting For Trump After ICE Agents Racially Profile Him

Jensy Machado x profiled by ICE

Source: YouTube / NBC

We’re only two months into Donald Trump’s second presidency and already it seems like the honeymoon phase for MAGA voters is coming to a painful end, as many of Cheeto Jesus’ cult followers are beginning to regret letting their prejudices and grievances influence their choice at the ballot box.


According to Raw Story, many Trump supporters have taken to X (formerly Twitter) to express their regret over their vote for Donald Trump, as the leopard has begun to eat their faces. But Hispanic Trump supporters, in particular, are learning that his deportation policies also extend to them, as they too are now in the crosshairs of ICE.

Last Wednesday (March 5), Jensy Machado found out the hard way that the color of his skin was reason enough for ICE agents to harass him at gunpoint as they assumed that he was an illegal immigrant. Though the man is actually neutralized and living in the United States legally, ICE agents didn’t give him the opportunity to prove that his status in America was kosher before putting him into handcuffs.

Per Raw Story:

“They just got out of the car with the guns in their hands and say, ‘Turn off the car, give me the keys, open the window,’ you know,” Machado said. “Everything was really fast.”

Machado, who showed WRC reporters documentation showing his legal status, said the agents were seeking a man for a deportation order who had given his home address, and Machado said he didn’t know anyone by that man’s name and offered to show his REAL ID-compliant Virginia driver’s license.

“They didn’t ask me for any ID,” Machado said. “I was telling the officer, if I can give him ID, but he said just keep my hands up, not moving. After that, he told me to get out of the car and put the handcuffs on me, and then he went to me and [asked] how did I get into this country and if I was waiting for a court date or if I have any case, and I told him I was an American citizen, and he looked at his other partner like, you know, smiling, like saying, can you believe this guy? Because he asked the other guy, ‘Do you believe him?’”

Luckily for Jensy Machado, he was let go after agents finally looked at his driver’s license, but the incident left him pondering whether he made the right choice in voting for someone whose main policies are aimed at making life harder for Brown and Black people living in America.
“I voted for Trump last election but, because I thought it was going to be the things, you know, like … just go against criminals, not every Hispanic-looking, like – that they will assume that we are all illegals,” Jensy Machado said, according to Raw Story. “That’s what they’re doing now, they’re just following Hispanic people.”
Many Trump voters are in the “find out” stage after they done “f*cked around,” and they’re not liking it one bit. We on the other hand are low-key enjoying the rude awakening they’re experiencing. Just sayin’.
What do y’all think about this situation? Let us know in the comments section below.


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