Candace Owens’ Ex-Boss Rips Her ‘Anti-Semitism,’ Shrugged At Anti-Blackness, Sexism And Homophobia

Candace Owens is seen on set of “Candace” on May 03, 2022 in Nashville, Tennessee. | Source: Jason Davis / Getty
As many of you know, conservative media personality and professor of sunken place mammiology (that may or may not be a real thing) Candace Owens has split with the Daily Wire, the online platform for barely closeted white nationalists and their Black friends who just want to be down.
The conditions of Owens’ departure from the platform are still ambiguous. Did she get fired or was she set “free” like she said when she announced the split on X? (I still find it interesting that when she declared in a tweet, “I am finally free,” she didn’t seem to be aware of how much she sounded like an escaped slave catching the northbound Harriet Tubman train, but whatever.)
MORE: Every Receipt Proving Candace Owens Is A Con Artist Who Is Following The Money
What is clear is that Daily Wire management is still very unhappy with their former resident Blackey-lackey whose antisemitism apparently crossed a line that her other expressions of ignorance and outright bigotry did not cross.
From Mediaite:
Jeremy Boreing, the CEO of The Daily Wire who announced Candace Owens’s departure from the outlet last Friday, blasted his former employee for using the phrase “Christ is King” to justify her descent into overt anti-Semitism over the last few months.
The refrain first gained attention last fall when Owens used it amidst a row with her then-colleague Ben Shapiro. She has since fallen back on it a number of times in order to justify her advancement of various anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
Now, you might be wondering how “Christ is King” is antisemitic. Well, don’t worry, Owens’ fellow sales item from House Negro Depot, Jason Whitlock, posed the same question and got an answer from Boreing.
“I’m asking this sincerely. I’m a student of life. I’m not that smart. There are many things I do not know,” Whitlock wrote in possibly the most self-aware statement he’s made throughout his entire career in broadcasting. “This is a sincere question without snark or sarcasm or trolling. How is saying ‘Christ is King’ anti-semetic? When did this become true? Is it true?”
“How is saying ‘Christ is King’ antisemitic? The same way anything becomes antisemitic – when it is used for the purpose of expressing antisemitism,” Boreing answered. “It’s like asking ‘how does a shovel become a murder weapon?’ When it is used to murder someone. This isn’t hard. A shovel is not innately a murder weapon. Saying ‘Christ is King’ is not innately antisemitic. It’s all about how a thing is used.”
“Saying ‘Eat some cornbread’ is not racist if I say it to my three-year-old when she is refusing her dinner,” he continued. “If I start saying it as a response to X posts by black commentators I don’t like, it has taken on a meaning beyond what is innate. In other words, it is connotatively racist, not denotatively racist. So too ‘Christ is King’ may be antisemitic in connotation while not in denotation when it is being used to express antisemitism.”
Waaaait a minute! This couldn’t be the CEO of the same Daily Wire that has employed Ben Shapiro, the guy who claimed multiculturalism would bring down the superior culture of Western society, suggested more police as an answer to systemic racism (which he denies the existence of in the face of values of evidence), and defended Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ curriculum that insisted enslaved people benefited from slavery. Maybe Boreing needed Shapiro to make more “cornbread” references when he was going out of his way to chide popular Black artists just for making music he didn’t like and calling people “stupid” if they thought rap music was actual music, then turning around and celebrating himself for featuring on a MAGA rap song and becoming somewhat of a white supremcee himself.
And, again, why is it that Owens’ antisemitism is so unforgivable while her anti-Blackness, sexism, ableism and anti-LGBTQ views were perfectly acceptable?
Owens was still perfectly employable by The Daily Wire when she said the LBBTQ+ community was a “sexual plague on society,” and when she said it was “ridiculous” that a disabled woman in a wheelchair was featured in a clothing ad because she doesn’t “really understand how far we’re going to take this inclusivity thing.” It was all good when Super Mammy was out here wearing “White Lives Matter” shirts, denouncing Juneteenth as “soooo lame,” and insisting that Netflix and Uber Eats having Black categories is akin to Jim Crow “segregation.” Boreing wasn’t ready to give Owens the axe when she was calling women in the workplace a “distraction” or joining white conservative America in their racist and illogical fear of non-white male pilots. (As if she herself isn’t a product of affirmative action.)
So, Boreing suddenly perfectly understands dog-whistle bigotry now that his former DEI hire has gone after, apparently, the one marginalized group he can’t tolerate prejudice against?
Candace Owens Leaves The Daily Wire Following Clash With Ben Shapiro
The Candace Owens Interview With The Breakfast Club: She Got The Whole Swamp In Her Head
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